The NFBA has been developed to nurture and produce some of the very best fast bowling talent in the UK today. The combination of expert staff, world class trainers and professionals is unmatched by any other cricket programme being run in the UK currently, and has led to young cricketers from all over the UK taking part. The NFBA takes you on a journey that trains you in every aspect needed to be a top level cricketer. You will not only have access to state-of-the-art technical and physical training from our team of coaches, but there is also a strong focus on sports psychology, and the mental attributes you will need to make it to the top.

Some of our achievements after 2 years…

  • 68 places for fresh talent across two academies (Main & Development) in Year One. 115 fast bowlers across three academies (Elite, Main & Development).
  • 8 Bowlers trialling with first-class county sides
  • First player turned PROFESSIONAL (Kent Academy)
  • Improved speed in all attendees
  • Recommended players to counties and had students bowl to first-class cricketers


  • Main Academy Fees: £1950 (part & full scholarships available up to £1950)
  • Development Fees: £1950 (part & full scholarships available up to £1950)

More Information…

This is a world-class fast bowling academy where we get incredible results. That’s why players travelled from Scotland, Yorkshire, Lancashire, Hampshire, Somerset, Shropshire and various outreaches of the UK, with two students joining us from Denmark & Norway respectively.

We want the very best talent to develop. So you need to make a commitment. That commitment is you want to be the best you can be.

We select attendees based on potential as well as existing talent. And players are offered a place on either the Development or Main Academy, dependent on how we see their standard. Regardless of which one you are selected on, chosen attendees enjoy a full training clothing package supplied by NFBA. The academy takes place at The Herts & Essex Cricket Centre (HECC) over a series of Saturday/Holiday and Sunday/Holiday camps spread across the Winter. Each session covers 5 and a half hours, with 30 minutes for lunch/food. There’s camps cover the winter months for physical training and are designed to reflect the time of year as we approach the season. In between these camps you get access to the coaching staff through emails and ongoing interaction via a closed FaceBook Group for attendees. So access to coaching is a complete 12 months. ONLY join us if you are prepared to dedicate 12 months. You will need to be able to travel to HERTFORDSHIRE for the NFBA physical coaching dates listed on the trial page. Make sure you can make these dates before trialling.

Our reputation is exceptional and we need to produce exceptional talent. We recommend players to T20 franchises, first class teams, county age groups, elite school programmes plus help create opportunities at all levels across white ball and red ball cricket.

But first you have to be selected. If you want to have the opportunity to be part of the NFBA please visit our Trial page.

The trials are for an hour with Ian Pont & Catherine Dalton, our two main coaches, running them personally. So you will get to meet Ian & Cath. The format is a warm up and general bowl, before the speed test on the Pocket Radar Pro Speed Gun and Display, followed by a small coaching session on a chosen variation two see how you interact with the coaches and take on new information. Additionally, we have the very popular Video Trial, where you can simply send us two videos of you bowling. You can book your chance now by going to Trial page.

Visit the NFBA Website

Click here to visit the NFBA site and get more information abut this fantastic opportunity for young fast bowlers